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Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, October 2020


The sun is illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals, which includes everything from your day job, to your morning jog or your meditation practice. This is a great time to sort through your beauty products and vitamins, and get rid of what you no longer need. It’s also a fantastic time to look at your schedule and your to-do list and figure out what needs to be rearranged. You might also be looking for a new job or completing an important project at this time. Wellness is on your mind, and it’s a great time to start a healthy new habit or break one that’s not benefiting you, like smoking or doomscrolling! Libra is the sign of balance, and this season is all about finding harmony in your everyday life. This includes making time for rest, especially during the full moon in Aries on October 1, which illuminates a very private sector of your chart.
You may feel totally wired, unable to rest, or you might be sleeping more than usual at this time. Listen to your body, and don’t over-schedule yourself. Carving out a better work-life balance is what this full moon is all about. Full moons are also major moments for release, so you may find yourself having stranger dreams than usual or staying up to journal or have long conversations processing your emotions with a trusted friend. This is a powerful moment to release emotions that you may have repressed or simply didn’t have time to sit with before. Things that were hidden from you are being revealed now.
The energy shifts as Venus enters fellow earth sign Virgo on October 2, bringing blessings to the sector of your chart that rules romance and creativity! This is a wonderful time for your love life. A celebratory mood is in the air, and you’re likely to attend some joyous events. This is a great opportunity to make art, as creative self-expression flows effortlessly with your ruling planet Venus in thoughtful earth sign Virgo. You like to take your time when it comes to love, as well as when it comes to making art, and Venus in Virgo will allow you the space to explore your passions freely.
Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on October 4, bringing a philosophical breakthrough—information is power, and now that you have greater understanding of an issue, you’re able to totally transform the situation. An important change concerning travel or education may also take place at this time.
Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus, currently in your sign, on October 7, bringing unexpected news and shake-ups in your partnerships—it’s crucial to keep an open mind, as Uranus is all about change and the unexpected. Mars retrograde in Aries clashes with Pluto on October 9, creating a tense atmosphere, but it’s nothing new—themes and issues from August 13 are coming back up for you to contend with. Arguments about politics, spirituality, and values are likely to bubble at this time.
The mood shifts on October 10 as your ruling planet Venus connects with Uranus, bringing unexpected thrills. The energy is all about novelty and experimentation. If there’s something you’ve been eager to try with a partner, this is a great time to suggest it, but try not to over-indulge on October 11 as the sun connects with over-the-top Jupiter! Exciting news is likely to come on this day, but the urge to over-do it may also be in the air.
October 12 brings the third and final connection between Jupiter and Neptune (currently in Pisces), making for a magical moment in your social life. This is a great time to network and connect with old friends. You may become involved with a community that’s passionate about the same hobbies, causes, and goals as you are. Jupiter is all about growth, and Neptune is the planet of fantasy: Together, they’re creating a whimsical and adventurous atmosphere, so enjoy the magical journeys that take place during this time! Also on October 12, Mercury connects with Venus, so expect plenty of flirtatious banter.
An important moment in Mars’s retrograde arrives on October 13 as it opposes the sun, finding you releasing a project, or perhaps ending your time at a job or cutting a habit from your life. “Goodbyes” are in the air, and you’re feeling the need to retreat, to go on a private getaway and rest before you return back to daily life. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio also begins on October 13, finding you reconnecting with people from your past and bringing up conversations between you and your partners that need to revisited. Mercury retrograde can bring miscommunications and delays, so go slow, and don’t expect things to be taken care of overnight. Avoid making big purchases, signing contracts, or traveling—but if you want to pick back up a project that you previously set aside, or reach out to an old friend, this is a fine time to do so.
Power struggles pop up on October 15 as the sun clashes with Pluto, and you would be wise to watch out for shady behavior! The new moon in Libra arrives on October 16, marking the beginning of a new project or job. New moons are all about new beginnings, and this one finds you being of service to others, as well as starting new habits, and adjusting your schedule for maximum efficiency. You’ll have to shoot down some ideas on October 18 as the sun clashes with Saturn, and you may be in an especially sensitive mood, especially in your social life, as your ruling planet Venus opposes Neptune on October 18. However, a change in energy arrives the following day, October 19, when Mars and Venus align with lucky Jupiter, revving up your competitive spirit and bringing a boost in romance and adventure! Also on October 19, Mercury opposes Uranus for the second time this month, bringing unexpected twists, especially concerning relationships, and finding you thinking back to October 7.
Venus connects with Pluto on October 21, creating a powerful moment for deep bonding: You’re likely to learn something about a lover or a creative collaborator that brings you closer than ever. Scorpio season begins on October 22, finding the sun brightly illuminating the relationship sector of your chart, helping you understand things from your partner’s point of view, and encouraging you to confront issues head-on.
Venus connects with Saturn on October 24, finding you brainstorming future plans—but keep things flexible, as Mercury is still retrograde! An important moment for Mercury’s retrograde journey arrives on October 25 when it meets the sun, bringing you a perspective about your relationships that you didn’t understand before. You may run into someone from your past or your partner may be ready to discuss something they haven’t shared before. Mercury and Venus enter Libra on October 27, finding you revisiting old projects and beautifying your workspace. Venus in Libra is also a great time to update your wardrobe and rethink your approach to beauty and wellness. In your love life, you and your partners may be rethinking your routines together.
A full moon in your sign, Taurus, arrives on October 31, bringing a climax to a situation that’s been building in your relationships. Endings may take place at this time. Freedom is a hugely important theme of this full moon, as the sun opposes rebel Uranus on this day, too. Relationships that don’t have room for experimentation and freedom will have to fall to the wayside.
Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in November!


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